Monday, November 9, 2009

Memphis Matters outside Event

    Memphis Matters at Theater South was a very interesting and exciting event. Memphis Matters is about real issues concerning Memphis citizens and their lives. This event was not elaborate and there was not a lot of money put into props and staging. The setting was simple and showed that they did not need to be elaborate to be able to express their points. I enjoyed the fact that the audience seating was small because, it brought a sense of closeness between the audience and the actors. Since this was such a close setting, we got to know about the audience members and the actors and their stories. These stories ranged from funny to serious, from happy to angry, and from loosing love to finding love. Also, the type of style and arrangement of the event was casual and free, and anything could happen. The fact that the actors used the style of improvisation was very important and meant a lot to the point they were trying to get across with Memphis Matters.

I have never been to an event quite like this one; therefore the style of improvisation was very new to me. There was no script, no structure, and no guidelines, which showed that anything could be a story. Through improvisation audience members got to tell the actors an issue or story that they had within his or her life. Then the actors would act out these different stories and issues that people had. The theme of Memphis Matters is very important because, it shows that what is happening to people here and different places also affects Memphis as well. I am sure this event can be liberating for some people. It can be liberating, because the audience members get to see his or her issue played out on stage and also they see that other people believe that their issues and stories do matter. And that these issues and stories do not just affect certain people, they affect everyone around them. Also, it shows that anyone's story can be turn into a play of some kind. Basically, life is one big show that we are waiting to be played out. Like a story we are waiting in suspense to see what happens next in our lives.

Memphis Matters is a great event and I hope that people keep supporting it. It is a great experience for all people. People do not even have to love literature or plays, to be able to enjoy this event. It opens people's minds and ideas about stories and about how their own stories matter. This idea that anyone's story matters and that it affects everyone, is very interesting and inventive idea. I never would have thought that I would be touched by people's stories and lives that I did not even know, but that is what makes this event interesting. It is definitely worth the experience of learning how everyone matters. I would advise everyone to go to Memphis Matters, but only if they are willing to open their minds and see how everyone's stories affect them and their lives.

Word Count 518

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